Dark Phoenix Review and the X-men Franchise


Where do I begin? Let me start by saying that I didn’t think the movie was terrible however it’s not good either. I had a feeling for months that the movie will be okay. I wasn’t overly excited watching it but a tiny part of me thought that maybe it would surprise me. But nope it didn’t. Now before I go on remember that this review will contain spoilers of the movie and all the other X-men movies. So catch up and come back or you will get spoiled.

The problem I have with this movie comes with the whole franchise and how Fox handled it. Sure there were some hits like Logan, Deadpool, X1, X2, and First class. But there were some misses as well. This reminds me Game of Thrones where there were great seasons and the ending just ruined it. That’s what this movie did. Plus, with so many timelines and actors playing the same role, it was like watching DC content. And that is totally wrong for Marvel. This movie didn’t bring anything new to the story. We saw this story in X-men 3 and it looked similar to Captain Marvel. And why kill a character that is one of the most popular characters of X-men? basically, it was a plot device. Don’t waste your money going to the theaters watching it. You can wait.

And don’t forget that in the last movie Jean already had the Phoenix powers so why now it was like she didn’t before? Once again people behind the scenes are not taking this seriously. I am happy the MCU is taking over now but I don’t know how it will work. So the mutants were on vacation while Thanos was destroying everything? I wished X-men were already a part of the MCU from the beginning. Can you imagine Wolverine and Captain America fighting together or Storm and Thor? Maybe we will in the new installment but there will have to be a good explanation? Good luck to the MCU writers.

Now that the Fox version of X-men is over, I will remember the good times I had watching the movies. It made me a fan of X-men and the story of mutants. So thank you for that. Also, it paved the way for superhero movies.  So goodbye Fox X-men we had our ups and downs. And goodbye to the Phoenix storyline, please I’ve seen enough of it.

Rating: C

Photo Courtesy FOX

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